M.Sc Renewable Energy(Graduate School) announced

M.Sc Renewable Energy(Graduate School


This course aims to equip graduates with technical and scientific skills with the understanding of the renewable sources of energy and terrestrial, aquatic and marine-based industries who can contribute to the development of renewable resources in urban and rural areas.

The programme will cover renewable energy (wind, solar, hydro, tidal and biomass), energy efficiency, crops for bio-products, sustainable land use, waste and recycling and green building technologies. The programme also seeks to give the graduates as broad technical and general background as possible.  

An essential focus of the training programme is to equip the graduates with the necessary skills to enable them enter into self-employment by judiciously harnessing and processing our natural resources. Exciting career opportunities are emerging for appropriately-qualified people in this sector.  

Programme Objectives

The objectives of the programme seek to:

    • Provide students with the ability to design, plan and execute an original programme of work appropriate to answering research or design questions regarding sustainable energy systems.
    • Help students appreciate the constraints and opportunities provided by renewable energy resources within pre-existing energy systems, societies, markets and regulatory frameworks.
    • Provide students with the knowledge of technical characteristics and resource evaluation of some of the major renewable power sources (wind, solar, tidal and wave), and the theory underpinning their operation and performance.  
    • Provide students with an ability to develop preliminary technology assessments and exploitation plans for tidal and wave, and preliminary design and dimensioning for wind and solar (thermal or photovoltaic) systems (which are more mature technologies than tidal and wave).
    • Provide students with an understanding of the engineering aspects of power conversion for electricity grids, in particular concerned with the connection of renewable power sources, supported by calculations.
    • Provide students with an understanding the problems of energy distribution and major economic theories describing the markets in which renewable energies are deployed.
  • Provide students with an ability to conduct a critical analysis of competing claims in the energy sector, and evaluate options for energy supply, distribution and utilization (including renewable and non-renewable) and to appraise the environmental sustainability of energy systems.



Project Management  

Graduate Seminar I  

Energy Policy and Planning

Solar Technology

Wind Power Technology

Bio-energy Technology

Power Electronics

Liquid Bio-fuels Production Systems

Life Cycle Assessment and Risk Evaluation

Waste Recycling and Sustainable land Use

  Electives (One elective course to be taken)

YEAR 1  


Research Methods and Proposal Writing

Graduate Seminar II

Energy and Environment

Tidal Wave Technology

Energy Storage and Transport System  

Small-Hydropower Technology

Renewable Energy Project Analysis

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Hybrid Electric and Grid Connected Systems

Climate Change

Engineering Design

Electives (One elective course to be taken)


Master’s Thesis

Graduate Seminar: Renewable Energy Project Implementation


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